pin TOMS® Gives Back with Grassroots Good

TOMS® Gives Back with Grassroots Good

TOMS® believes in a future where all people have the chance to thrive. That’s why the brand invests ⅓ of its profits in grassroots efforts, like organizations creating change at the local level.

Grassroots Good is the result of a community mobilizing to address an issue they’re all impacted by, like services that are scarce, or statistics that are too high. These efforts are highly effective because they’re led by members of the community.


TOMS®believes theres is no one-size-fits-all solution, that’s by investing in grassroots efforts it can support solutions designed to address a community’s unique needs, making them scalable and sustainable.


 How TOMS® gives back: 

Interested in TOMS® for your travel retail business? Please contact Jason Restrepo – Category Manager for Footwear

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