Always turning heads and standing out in a crowd, GUESS Watches left no stone unturned when they designed this 'larger than life' timepiece. This silhouette screams GO BIG OR GO HOME with its over-sized, over-stated, over-stoned design.
GUESS Watches is known for its bling aesthetic and this trend continues to be in high demand for both men and ladies. For the GUESS guy, the brand offers an oversized 46 mm sport case with 162 stone embellishments accompanied by sporty silicones and stainless-steel bracelets. A color for everyone, this blinged-out case comes in silver, gold, and GUESS’ signature colorway – black and gold.
For the GUESS girl, the brand offers a scaled down version in a 40 mm case with a selection of gold, silver, two tone, black and gold, and pink variations offering her the same amount of glamour and shimmer she can wear day into night.
Are you interested? Please contact Maria Villarreal, Brand Manager of GUESS Watches.
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